Solutions 4 Energy

Our Projects

Powering a Brighter Future: Explore our portfolio of successful renewable energy projects across residential, commercial, and industrial sectors in Africa.

Our Projects

001 Sotrafer Warehouse Project

Sotrafer Warehouse

007 Somika Health Ceneterr- LRoof Top with Panel

Somika Health Center

Solar plant day 3 (8 of 9)

SMK Mine

Somika Health Center

Battery systrem

Mr. Eridc House

010 Mr. Eridc House Ground and Roof Mounted


012 SMK-Kimpe 80KW containerized System with 80KW inverter and power Stake Batteries 2V dry cells.

SMK - Kimpe

019 Swala Logisitics- SOlar power water pumping system

Swala Logistic

009 Bourgmystry Battery Solaer Panel Structure with panel installation

Bourgmystry Battery System

003 CongoEufs Roof top panels

Congoeufs SAS

003 KIMIN 30KW System

Mumba Village

002 MCS Showroom 15KW

MES/MCS Showrooms

S4E golf office (11 of 18)

MCS Office


Mining Chemical Services SAS


Swala Logisitics

SMK Mine
