Solutions 4 Energy

Product Distribution

Product Distribution

PV Modules

Solar PV modules are made by connecting together photovoltaic (PV) cells or solar cells. They are manufactured from semiconductor materials like crystalline silicon. Solar modules convert the light energy captured from the sun into electric energy. The electric energy so produced is used for lighting residential, commercial and industrial customers.


A Solar Inverter is a device that converts the direct current (DC) from the solar panels into alternating current (AC) which is used by Residential, commercial and industrial appliances. It is one of the most critical components of the solar power system as it converts power from the sun into more useful energy and is often referred to as the brain of a solar system. Solar inverters are a crucial part of a solar system since power from the sun cannot be directly used to run electrical appliances. Advanced solar inverters are become much more smart and intelligent units, performing other functions such as data monitoring and recording, that will be useful for fault finding.


S4E specializes in Lithium-Ion battery storage for residential, commercial and utility scale applications. Its energy storage products are produced from the safest lithium-ion technology battery cells. These battery cells are based on the most advanced Lithium Iron Phosphate chemistry available.

DC Cable

DC Cable used in solar Power plant to be approved as per IEC 62930 and EN 50618, is suitable for both fixed and mobile solar installations (solar ground mounted power plants, Rooftop solar installations and floating plants). It is a highly flexible cable compatible with all major connectors and specially designed for the connection of photovoltaic panels. Its Suitable for wet, damp and humid locations.

AC Cable

AC power cables connect the solar inverter to protection equipment and the grid. Size and rating of the AC Cables to be calculated based on Inverter output current rating and its voltage level. In Utility Scale solar power plant, high voltage AC Cables are used to feed the power in Grid.


When designing any solar system, module must be installed at Specific angles to optimize the electrical output, considering location of the Plant. Also the Stracture will be designed considering all atmospheric condations. MMS (Module mounting Stracture) is structure made of MS Galvanized or Aluminium, for mounting of the Solar PV Module, at Specific angle for complie the design critaria. Normally MMS is designed based on site location and type of Installaiton, like Ground mounted, Roof mounted and Floated. For Ground mounted system, it can be desinged fixed type or with sun tracking system.

Other BOS

Earhting Material

Earthing is required in all Solar power system to safeguard all the equipments agasint excessive electric current. Through earthing excessive electric current will directed to flow to ground.

Lightening Arrestor

Lightening arrestor is device used in solar system to protect all the equipments from lightening surges. Basically its divert unnecessary high voltage surges to ground and protect all the equipments.


Connectors are used in electrical system, for proper connection of two end of the cable. Loose connections in any electrial system will cause sparking and finally cause the fire. So, to protect the system from fire, connectors are required.


Any part of the solar electrical system, Say AC or DC, required to install fuses / disconnectros and Surge protection device in circuit for diffent protections. For Safe installation fn these device, its necessary to install the same in propoer enclosures/ Boxes. These enclosures are call DCDB & ACDB. The same is designed considering plan size and protections required.

Metering Panels

Any solar power generating system require to measure power generation and consumption of power by their Auxilary equipments. That’s why Bidirectional metering comes in picture. Metering Panel is a enclosure where we install the meter for power Export & Import.
